Use "raised his hand|raise his hand" in a sentence

1. He raised his hand in greeting.

2. He raised his hand to wave.

3. He raised his hand in farewell.

4. He raised his hand in salute.

5. He raised his hand in salutation.

6. 11 He raised his hand in greeting.

7. The officer raised his hand in salute.

8. 25 He raised his hand in salute.

9. 24 The officer raised his hand in salute.

10. He raised his hand and signalled for the waiter.

11. 11 He raised his hand to her in acknowledgement.

12. He raised his hand to fend off the blow.

13. He raised his hand and struck her with terrifying force.

14. 12 He raised his hand to fend off the blow.

15. When he saw the principal, he raised his hand in salute.

16. Her father raised his hand once, hardly sparing a second glance.

17. When he saw the principal, he raised his hand in salutation.

18. He raised his trembling hand to his forehead and felt the dampness of sweat against his skin.

19. Gaunt raised his hand as if welcoming the plaudits of the crowd.

20. He raised his own hand when I asked, " Who here likes Ross? "

21. 20 When he saw the principal, he raised his hand in salute.

22. 21 When he saw the principal, he raised his hand in salutation.

23. 8 He raised his eyebrows but he didn't actually skewer my hand to his desk with his favourite kris.

24. Raise your hand. Did your hand go up?

25. With a terrible look in his eye, he jumped up and raised his hand to hit me.

26. She watched him raise one hand to rub the nape of his neck, then flex his shoulder muscles.

27. Grab his hand.

28. His Daily Guiding Hand

29. Now he raised his hand, but when Mason called on him Boris began to stutter.

30. George extended his hand .

31. Get his hand grenades.

32. His hand jerked spasmodically.

33. 27 He stood with the gun in his right hand and his left hand steadying his aim.

34. Object warlike raise one's hand.

35. 13 His left - hand / right - hand indicator is flashing.

36. 24 The boxer feinted with his right hand and struck with his left hand.

37. He pressed his hand to his pillowcase.

38. Hearn, cupping his chin in his hand.

39. He put his hand on his heart.

40. He raised his hand to wipe away the trickle of sweat that ran over the soft stubble on his cheek.

41. His hand was severed from his arm.

42. He raised his hand to make his Announcement and said "Excuse me everyone, I have an Announcement to make

43. His left hand moved feebly at his side.

44. Why show his hand now?

45. Olinthus pressed his hand joyfully.

46. The infection swelled his hand.

47. His eyes flit around and his hand shakes.

48. He loosened his tie with his free hand.

49. His left hand is akimbo.

50. She pressed his hand softly.

51. She stroked his hand softly.

52. He waved his hand hospitably.

53. He showed her his hand.

54. His right hand rested on his ceremonial sword.

55. Perseus covered his eyes with his free hand.

56. He reached his hand down to tilt her chin or did she raise it to anticipate him?

57. His hand is stretched out,

58. His hand was dripping blood.

59. Anyone alive, just raise your hand.

60. 3 She smiled coyly at Algie as he took her hand and raised it to his lips.

61. Screaming like an animal, he raised the broken glass in his hand and charged drunkenly towards Cardiff.

62. She raised her hand in greeting.

63. She raised her hand in farewell.

64. He raised a hand in greeting.

65. He put his hand out, touching his father's cheek.

66. 1 His young opponent counters with his left hand.

67. Billy started to snivel. His mother smacked his hand.

68. He tried to conceal his yawn behind his hand.

69. 14 He buried his left hand in his pocket.

70. Aldehydase Richard shook his hand up

71. His hand strayed to the telephone.

72. His hand had been badly lacerated.

73. The book dropped from his hand.

74. His hand slid under my chemise.

75. 13 His left hand moved feebly at his side.

76. Put your hand over his mouth.

77. His hand twined in Bill's hair.

78. His hand fastened on her arm.

79. His left - hand indicator is flashing.

80. Please raise your hand high right now.